Know Your Target Audience Are you paying attention to your target audience? If you are not, its time to start because you might be speaking to the wrong folks. The best...

Know Your Target Audience Are you paying attention to your target audience? If you are not, its time to start because you might be speaking to the wrong folks. The best...
Online Ordering Do you accept online orders on your website? Well, if not, it's time to consider it. Make it easy for your customers to order from you. In these cold...
Planned for the holidays yet? The holidays are coming everyone ? and this is the time to do something great for your customers! If you haven't done so already,...
Social Media is Your Friend Are you doing the social media thing? Facebook? Instagram? If you're not, you are definitely missing out some platforms that could help put...
Make sure to display events on your website Do you have events at your restaurant? Make sure your customers hear about them from your website. Add a calendar of events...
Is your website mobile-friendly? Geez, I hope it is. Statistics show that 83% of consumers use their mobile device to search for a place to eat. It really becomes a...
Check for Accuracy Check for accuracy on your website at least once a month to make sure that everything on there is correct. As a restaurant, whether having a...
Flaunt your uniqueness. What do you do that's unique to your restaurant? Don't forget to flaunt it on your website. Whether it be fresh bread, organic ingredients,...
Provide a welcoming atmosphere. How is the dining experience in your restaurant? How is the customer experience with your take out service?⠀ Give your customers a great...
Welcome good or bad reviews. Reviews, whether good or bad, benefit you and your customers a great deal. Show good reviews on your website to build trust and use bad...
Invest in a professional photographer. Invest in a professional photographer to make sure the photos on your website are stunning and visually delicious. A photo is...